Istanbul Bosphorus

Istanbul Bosphorus Bosphorus: Europe and Asia to the Black Sea in the Strait that separates the true traditional and unforgettable visit to Istanbul complete without a trip to sea was not considered. A great beauty and pure splendor reflecting the history and today's coast is mixed. Yali modern hotel next to the stone fort at the beginning of the next court and a small rustic fishing village in the district with the elegant structure of the memories ...

Long and narrow, horn, in the form of the Golden Horn of Istanbul's European side is divided. One of the world's best natural harbor that interested in the Byzantine and Ottoman navy and commercial shipping that have gathered here. The gold color of the water group, this time in the coastal area surrounded by today is a nice park and walk. Go towards the middle of the Golden Horn is located in the Fener and Balat districts, Byzantine and Ottoman period wooden houses remain, the streets are full of churches and synagogues. Orthodox Patriarch to sit here. Slightly above Eyüp, Ottoman architecture is a reflection of the carving.

Slope of the hill where the location of dark cypress covers the cemeteries. Prayer of the faithful will see Kabul will visit the Tomb of Eyüp here. The top side of the Pierre Loti Cafe is an excellent place to have to enjoy the scenery is.

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